


Consulting happens when you need an objective eye to what is happening in your business with specific solutions to pressure points and challenges.

Let’s say your new arrival guest are regularly having to wait for rooms that are not ready at the normal check in time.

What is going wrong?

I’ll start by spending some time with the housekeepers. While chatting I’m observing and getting a deeper understanding of what they are doing, how they are doing it and what they have to do it with.  In these situations, small snags often become bigger issues that hamper productivity and cause frustrations on various levels. During normal operations very few people have the time to delve deeper into their own Standard Operating Procedures and are often surprised when they discover the difference between what they assumed was happening and what is actually happening.

I also look at other departments to see if the collaboration between them might be adding to the trouble.

Through the above process I will then identify key points that need attention and either coach you and your team to help find the solutions or supply training that will help solve the identified problems.

This is all done from the baseline of we can all learn from each other; we just need to feel safe enough to share ourselves




Workshops Offered:

Personal Workshops | Group Workshops

Personal Workshops

We get so busy planning our businesses and where we want to go with it, that we forget that we need to do some exploring into ourselves.

One-on-One workshops unpack where you find yourself. Then we explore the WHERE and HOW.

Group Workshops

Bespoke Workshops for you and your team can be designed based on your unique needs and outcomes.

All workshops are online using Zoom and/or MIRO.




As a Shadowmatch Habits Reconstruction Coach


I know that if you want a better life, you need to change your habits. Guided by the highly sophisticated AI system, I will help you reconstruct your habits for a more meaningful future.

All coaching sessions are remote/ virtual, and you will receive your tasks via email. 


Why Shadowmatch?

Shadowmatching is a powerful tool for personal development because it can help us to understand and heal the parts of ourselves that are holding us back. By identifying our shadow patterns, we can start to make conscious choices about how we want to live.

There are many different ways to practice shadowmatching. One common approach is to journal about our thoughts, feelings, and experiences. As we write, we can pay attention to any recurring patterns that emerge. For example, do we often find ourselves procrastinating? Do we have trouble setting boundaries? Do we tend to be self-critical?

Coaching Programs Offered:

Fulfilment Coaching | Career Coaching

Fulfilment Coaching

Life is more complex, demanding, faster and we are under more pressure than ever before. If you’re asking yourself if there is more to life that this, you’re where many people are finding themselves.

R 750 / $40 per session

What is Fulfilment Coaching?

Fulfillment coaching with regards to shadowmatching can help you to identify and change your shadow patterns in order to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Shadow patterns are hidden patterns of behavior that are often unconscious and sabotaging your goals and happiness. They can be formed in childhood, as a way of coping with difficult experiences or adapting to a dysfunctional family environment.

Shadowmatching is a powerful tool for personal development because it can help you to understand and heal the parts of yourself that are holding you back. By identifying your shadow patterns, you can start to make conscious choices about how you want to live.

Career Coaching

The world is changing at a rate that has most of us spinning to keep up and figure out where we fit into the world.

Regardless of your age, experience, or education you will need to reassess and plan where you are, where you need to be and how you are going to get there in your career.

We use the Shadowmatch Career Report to guide us in exploring and researching your options based on your unique habits.

R 750 / $40 per session

What happens in Career Coaching?

“All coaching starts with a Discovery Session where we chat about where you are and where you would like to be and how we are going to make that happen.”


Start your journey to a more fulfilling life with a Discovery Chat today!


How to kickstart your Tourism Business in these COVID times.

If you’ve had a chance to read My Journey to kickstarting my WHY and How to kickstart yourself in these COVID Times you’ve got an idea of how my head works. (“Good luck with that: “my husband would say!)

My thoughts are that if you understand your own WHY better and you’ve had time to process the incredible shock and trauma of having the world as we know it blow up like something out of a very scary Sci-Fi movie, you are a bit more ready to tackle the next important thing.

In the weeks and months after the initial COVID Lockdown we were completely bombarded with information. Government Media Statements, News Articles and crazy social media posts that frankly, caused the first Panic Attack I’d had in years.  We had to learn an entire new language of Government talk and protocols, we had to establish new contacts and networks of people who would supply verified and trustworthy information and of course then came the online meetings!

Webinar after webinar of important and smart people talking about Tourism and its future not only on a national level but the bigger international picture.

At some point I realised that I was now listening to debates.  Nobody really knew what was going to happen and when. At the very best the educated guesses by the scientists of what will happen with the virus were now being interpreted by industry experts while keeping an eye on what other countries were doing.  Of course, there were crucial things being discussed and excellent advice given. Things like the implications and interpretations of the Gazetted Regulations, designing of health Protocols and the various Relief funding options and how you could access them.

Interestingly the first option people started looking for was Funding and Grants, then looking at loans (but how the heck to pay it back if you don’t know if you have income?!) and many got the unpleasant shock that they did not meet the criteria or were not compliant. 

While the Industry was scrambling to understand the Criteria on the Funding options and frantically gathering the required documentation, I for one started realising that I had gaps in my Network. Who the heck do I ask about the UIF? I’m a one-woman business, so I’m not registered for UIF does that mean I’m not able to claim from the TERS-UIF fund? 

Some people I chatted to didn’t have the required Financial Statements, nor could they produce the 6 months bank statements for various reasons. Some had been operating their businesses as Sole Proprietors and couldn’t register with CIPC for the Essential Services Certificate.

Red tape, inadvertent non-compliance, the struggle through the quagmire of information, and technological challenges such as access to computers and Wi-Fi all contributed to the incredible sense of desolation and hopelessness that most Tourism Business owners were feeling. Coupled with the sense of responsibility towards staff and their families these owners were (and are) faced with, you start to recognise the stages of grief the Tourism Industry is going through. Front and centre and definitely NOT linear are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

Many people I spoke to said that they tried to get help but in the end with all the frustrations and obstacles they “just gave up”.

I don’t have the answers. I spent weeks sitting through those webinars, reading articles and watching TED Talks to help me understand what is happening and what I can do to make it better.  I then reached a stage where I realised that my head was full. So full that I was having a hard time processing what was actually happening. This is where I realized I needed to stop and just breathe.


“This is where I realized I need to stop and just breathe”


Out of all the stuff floating in my head I started getting these questions that popped out of nowhere. They would float in and go and sit quietly in the back of my head. When things calmed down a bit, they would nudge at me until I was ready to face them.

These are by no means the 10 steps to success post COVID, but they are questions that led me to realise that there are things that I can control. Even if I don’t have the answers, I could reach out to someone who might have or who might know someone who does.

While the smart people continue their endless and mammoth task of coming up with a Tourism Recovery plan for the entire industry it is prudent that you start with yourself. You might have more or even less questions, but these are the ones nudging at me:

1. Have you educated yourself?

  • Do you know what the current Gazetted Regulations are, what you can and can’t do?
  • Are you keeping in touch with what is happening in your town, province, Nationally and International trends?

Be cautious of where you get your information and ensure that your information is up to date and verified. Find a credible source  such as or which will save you a ton of heartache and drama. This also helps you understand the bigger picture as they will keep you updated on burning issues…. and Press Releases are free!

Let’s now look at your own Tourism business.

2. Current Status? Where are you right now?

  • Do you know what you’ve currently got in hand and is it possible to survive the next several months?
  • Think about your financial situation. Where you are right now and what are your responsibilities. Do you have a Financial Advisor or accountant that can give you advice? If not, who can you approach to give you guidance?
  • Think about your staff, what they need and what you can afford. How can you balance these two situations over the next coming months?

3. Compliance, are you or aren’t you?

  • All the Funding, grant and relief options have documents that are required in order for you to apply. These would include Financial Statements, Tax Clearance Certificates, UIF registration amongst others. Are all of these in order for your business? If not, what do you need to do in order to become compliant? Who can you speak to? You can check out some of these sites to assist
  • UIF
  • How to request SARS Tax Clearance Certificate 
  • Do you have 6 months Bank Statements from your company? You can get the statements emailed to you on a monthly basis.  Just get into the habit of saving them in a file in your computer as they come in.  You can also get verified or stamped statements from most Banks if you are registered for Online Banking
  • Some of the banks now supply additional support. FNB has an Instant Accounting Service that pulls information directly from your FNB account 
  • Are you registered on the Central Supplier Database? It is a pretty straight forward and a very user friendly site with a helpful Call Centre if you should get stuck.
  • Read through the required documents carefully, what else are they asking for that you might need in the future?

4. How can you make money quickly?

  • What are the current, as well as potential, opportunities to start generating an income and is it viable to pursue?Think about your expenses compared to the potential income.
  • Think about the staff requirements. How many staff will you need to operate at various levels?
  • Think about non-financial implications such as buildings standing empty, staff losing their jobs.

5. Are you READY for sudden changes?

  • When the sudden announcement came that Intra-Provincial travel is allowed, were you ready? Have you worked through the TBCSA Industry Protocols and have you got your own protocols in place? 
  • Has your staff been trained in the Operating Procedures?
  • Do you know what to do when or if someone shows symptoms at your premises?
  • TBCSA has launched a Free App and Training to Assist Industry with protocols, more info

6. How will people know your business is open and operational?

  • Can possible clients find your business easily? 
  • Is your information up to date on the platforms you are using
  • Make sure your business is listed on Google Maps as well as registered with Google my Business . These are both free options and go a long way to ensure that you are “findable” and it helps to keep information up to date.
  • Are you using any social media platforms? Not to say that you shouldn’t use a professional if you can afford it, but you have to start somewhere. There are even some professionals out there that are offering free tutorials to help businesses get their online profiles sorted out. Sumari from Falstar Media started an incredibly useful series of webinars to help you help yourself #TourismGoesDigital

7. Although it is a guessing game right now do you know your core market?

  • Will they be returning, or should you be looking at pivoting your focus to a different type of client? Do some research. If you have direct access to your previous clients can you make contact with them to hear how they are doing and what they are believing right now?
  • If you were previously focussed on International clients, how will you market to the domestic Market? Is it worth it and are you able to pivot like that?

8. Have you updated your Terms and Conditions and Cancelation policies to be more attractive to the client in, what will no doubt be, a very competitive market?

  • Do some research on what other businesses are offering and how they are dealing with the challenges. Some innovative information is shared by Louis the Lawyer here 

Look at innovative, cost effective ways to achieve the above. A lot of these questions you can answer with little or no cost.  There are tons of videos, tutorials and blogs out there to help teach you to do things for yourself, you just need to learn the right terminology.  One day when you can pay someone to do this for you professionally, you’ll be grateful for the experience. Like a very wise lady told me a long, long time ago:


“You have to show your staff that you know how to wash the floors yourself. That way they know, 

that you know what you’re doing and are giving the instructions from experience”


9. How do I make it happen? The trick is not to wait for someone else to educate or capacitate you.

  • Get yourself online, make sure you have access to the above resources. If you don’t have access to Wi-Fi, is there a library or community centre in your area that have? There are some excellent offers currently doing the rounds for Wi-Fi suppliers, don’t be afraid to ask for a quote.
  • Look at your Network of people. Is there anyone or several someone’s you could tap into for guidance or mentoring?
  • Keep yourself informed. Are you part of an Association, Chamber of Business or any other organisation where you can grow your network both on a personal and professional level? Are you active in these organisations? Are you asking for help or giving input when it is requested?
  • Don’t just look for a job. Think carefully about what it is you really want to do with your life, then start working towards that goal. Working as a waitress when you want to be a nurse only makes sense if you are saving your tip money to pay for your training.

Lastly, Embrace the Change. The world as we knew it is gone forever. If you want to survive and eventually thrive you need to be different than before.

The truth is that nobody has all the answers, and this is where it is very important that you collaborate, find people that can help you answer these questions if you can’t find them yourself. Reach out, make contact you are not alone.

So right now, this minute…. What is the most important thing for you right now?

From the Stoep – Don’t waste a good Pandemic

From the Stoep – Don’t waste a good Pandemic

It’s an eye opener to realise that today in 4 months it will be Christmas Day.

Totally bizarre to think that this year has disappeared… sped past while we didn’t really go anywhere.

How we lost everything and gained so much in a few months.

How many things changed and how many stayed the same.

How you first had time to do all those little things that have been left for “when I’ve got time” and how some of those things still remain undone.

How the friendships and relationships you’ve had before have changed, some slowly fading and others strengthening through reciprocity even in these difficult times.

How you feel like you’ve got nothing to do and yet the days slip past to where it’s Christmas in a few short months.

In a webinar yesterday someone said

“We shouldn’t waste a good pandemic”

It made me sad and laugh a little at the same time…. And this was the second time this week that I felt like that.

Earlier this week, I heard what I thought was thunder outside.  Although it is not common for us to get rain in August in the Lowveld it is not unheard of.  I walked outside to see what I was hearing and saw the grey flat cloud bank to the north.

The breeze brought the smell of the rain while I sat down on the stoep.  Looking up into the Marula Tree I saw 6 hornbills puffed up, enjoying the afternoon sun. Out of nowhere a bearded woodpecker flew up and started pecking on the tree stump that makes the support for the stoep’s roof. Completely oblivious of the world around her she is going about her business with a focussed dedication that is enviable.

While I’m sitting there absorbing the smell of the rain, the feel of the breeze, the sight of the hornbills chilling and the woodpecker beating against the wood, I become aware of a long – unheard noise intruding into the space.

Far overhead I hear the sound of an aeroplane approaching.

It takes me a moment to identify what I’m hearing. It has, after all, been many months since I’ve heard a jet flying over us.  Then I realise what it means. Aeroplanes mean people, people mean guests, guests mean income and income means survival. Elation bubbles up inside me… HOPE!!

And just as suddenly I realise that this artificial sound has completely distracted me from the peaceful space Nature had gifted me with just a few short moments before. I realise that guests mean busy and busy mean no time to sit and enjoy the peaceful space.

I feel happy and sad in the same moment.

This, one of the lessons I’ve learnt during this pandemic.

Look for the small beautiful moments, embrace them.

One cannot hide away from the bigger world out there but as we start emerging from our lockdown cocoons, understand the you need balance.

Never again will I let myself get so absorbed by what the world demands that I forget to give myself the space to truly acknowledge what I’m feeling, to see what I’m seeing and to smell the rain when I can.

It’s been a precious time and to a certain extent I’m not ready for it to be over yet.

This in itself is something I need to unpack for myself a bit more, and I will.

 But right now, I’m going to have coffee on the stoep and watch the birds for a bit.
