My journey to kickstarting my WHY.

My journey to kickstarting my WHY.

Many years ago, in my very first Receptionist job, a Manager explained to me that I was not being as productive as I could be since I couldn’t identify what the most important thing was.

He used an example of standing behind the reception desk and a guest walking in the door as the phone rang, while someone is calling you on the radio. He asked me what the most important thing was. 

I don’t recall my answer and it took me a long time to understand that there is no right answer. If the guy on the radio was shouting that the storeroom was on fire, THAT was the most important thing. If the guest walking in was clearly upset or urgently needed assistance THAT was the most important thing. If the person on the phone was lost and had been looking for directions when he got cut off THAT is the most important thing.

Over the 20 odd years I’ve spent in the Tourism Industry, I’ve used that example many times while training all manner of staff. It was my way of explaining to newbies that you needed to constantly think as things change quickly when you deal with people and circumstances. Problems and solutions are not in isolation, they form part of a bigger picture.

Like many others I’ve spent the first few months of lockdown nailed to my computer. First to help get guests out of the country then to deal with the fall out of the bookings being cancelled and postponed, trying to get hold of suppliers, dealing with tricky and time sensitive queries from clients and finally, if you were lucky enough to receive the refunds from the suppliers, the double edged sword of repaying refunds to clients.

As things dragged out it felt like time was coming to a standstill. The feeling of shock and panic changed into a feeling of cautious hope while numbers in South Africa were low and then, when lockdown was extended and with the shattered hope of opening up before 2021 for international travellers, disintegrated into a sense of despondency and helplessness. This is especially difficult for people in the Tourism Industry who make their living from facilitating other people’s holiday dreams. As Tourism Folks, we need to be forward thinking and awake, often pre-empting snags before they happen and ensure that any issues and challenges are sorted out efficiently and promptly so we can stay on top of our game. For us, this hopelessness and sense of not being in control of our own destiny feels like the end of the world.

During lockdown I saw this quote from Jonathan Leeming: “Lockdown is not about putting your life on hold, it’s about dealing with the change”

This deeply resonated with me.

“Dealing with change” to me has not only meant in my business but also for me as a person. While it took some time to understand the impact COVID would have on my own Tourism Consulting Business, I realised that I would need to take a step back. I needed to reconnect with myself to find out what is important and where exactly I stand on certain things. Things that I’ve let slip as I didn’t have the time and energy to fight another battle. 

This time has now been forced on us and I needed to make the most of it.

This has been part of my lockdown journey. My Consulting business was not doing well even before COVID and I’ve needed this time to understand why. Bizarrely I had actually been going through this exercise a few months ago and had decided to use my Tour Operating experience to pivot the consulting into Tour Operating.  For the first time in a few years I had bookings, deposits had been paid and I would be able to survive on my own.

Then COVID hit.  Consulting gigs vanished, bookings cancelled, and it all went up in smoke.  Now was definitely NOT the time to work on a fledgling Tour Operating Business. My instincts where telling me that it would be probably be months, possibly years, before there would be any possibility of a start-up Tour Operator being viable again.

So, time to re-evaluate again. To, this time, learn about myself and my reason for doing things. For the first time in my life I was being forced to find my WHY. To try and discover what I really wanted to do, not just because I’m able to pull it off. I can, in all honestly say that it has been a tough education!

In the last few years I’ve, time and again, found myself in situations where I’m dealing with people just starting to learn about Tourism. People, who have a passionate desire to make a difference in their own lives, those of their families and in their communities. People, who were running into snags or sometimes brick walls that block them from going forward. People, who don’t know where to look for help or don’t get that help from those who are mandated to give it to them. Suddenly I was giving advice and coaching both young and old from all walks of life, who had never been in the Tourism Industry but had the vision and passion to understand that here was a very real opportunity. 

Unexpectedly I found myself an ambassador for the Tourism Industry and its Value Chain, giving guidance of what Tourism means and where, if one is innovative and willing to work hard, one might be able to find your own WHY.  And while processing through these experiences I have found my own WHY…

I’ve learnt that I want to see people be successful. I want to see them kick butt and prove the neigh-sayers wrong. I want to see that someone can have a dream and make it happen and ultimately, I want to help make that happen.  I don’t really want to be the one in the limelight or on the stage, but I want to know that I was there with help and understanding and when needed, asking the tough and uncomfortable  questions to help that person find his or her own way to shine.  

And after years of writing things in my head, not having the guts to put it on paper, this journey has led me here. I don’t have money and I don’t know rich people with lots of funding, but I do know that we are each the master of our own destiny and the change has to start with yourself. 

So when I now look around and I ask myself: “what is the most important thing right now?” I believe that each of us are, knowing yourself, understanding our own why.

How I did this is told in How to kickstart yourself in these COVID times.

Marilda Wiegand

Gathering your Tribe

Gathering your Tribe

How is it possible to feel alone in a group of people? How can you feel alone when you are constantly engaging with people? How can you feel alone when the world is united in a way that it has never been before? How is it that nobody is hearing your silent cries?

Over the last few months there have been many questions. Many more questions than there have been answers. Questions that nudge at you but you don’t really take the time to explore.

The time during lockdown and after has given me the space to explore some of these questions that I haven’t had the guts to do before.

Now, in the aftermath of the panic, the enduring anxiety of how to handle the devastating blows that we have been dealt again and again; with hope shattered, dangled and shattered again, I’m asking myself new questions.

Although I didn’t exactly know what the right questions were, those that I did ask led me on a journey.

Firstly, I have realised how important I am. Sounds selfish and egotistical but for the first time in my life I’ve taken (ok been forced!) to dig deeper into myself. To unpack my own reasons and values. To understand the difference between self-knowledge and self-awareness and what all of these mean for me. To really “get” myself and understand what I need.

In the beginning it was a muddle of personal and professional and I spent a lot of time trying to separate the two.  I’ve now come to realise that I can’t. My personal values, awareness and the very essence of who I am MUST be the foundation of my professional life if I want to live a life that is authentically me.

Al these have led me to ask more questions of myself, my relationships and, because it seemed the natural next step, my business.

When lockdown started my Mom stated:” Now you will see the truth about the people around you”

This turned into a truth in unexpected ways.

Acquaintances became trusted friends and helped create the safe space so desperately needed while trusted friends disappeared into their own drama.

While some have been lost to me forever through death, some have also moved further away emotionally.

People I haven’t even met in real life have taught me that I could depend on them in any crisis. 

I’ve been surprized, devastated, encouraged, heartbroken, energized, sad and truly comforted. 

I’ve learnt so much about what is important to me and why. 

I’ve learnt who I can trust and who is just there in the shadows, lurking.

For each one of us to move forward we need to learn about ourselves first and then about the people that surround us. 

3 times this week I’ve seen this quote:” If you want to go fast, go alone

If you want to go far, go together” – African Proverb

In different parts of your journey you will have different people, filling different spaces in your life.  Each one has the potential to be a part of your journey, if you take the time to listen.  Some might have powerful, life altering things to say or do, and some might just be able to give you the silence you need to hear your inner message clearly.

I’ve now had some time to work through the understanding that each relationship that I have must be reciprocal. Some of them will be deeper and some will be superficial, but either way there needs to be a balance. You need to give, and you need to take equally in each relationship and therefore you will need to be clear in your own mind as to who you want in your tribe and for why.

The one lesson that stands above all else is that you cannot travel this journey alone.

Reach out to everyone you can as each one will bring a building block. Friends, family colleagues each fill a different space. 

They each know a slightly different version of you. It is up to you to work through their input with truthfulness and honesty to help you see your path clearer.

For each one of us to move forward we need to learn about ourselves first and then about the people that surround us.

Time to take stock.

Do you have a tribe around you that will love, support, kick your butt, push or pull you when you need it?

If you don’t… ask yourself, why?

If you do…. Ask yourself…. Why?
