The last few weeks I’ve had a love/hate relationship with our electric gate. Several times it’s gotten stuck on me, and I’ve had to either manually open it or, on more than one occasion, had to bundu bash all around the fence to get access to my own home.

Nothing frustrates me more than something that ONLY has ONE thing to do (Open the gate) and then it DOESN’T. It breaks my brain.

Of course, Marius has been away and of course these types of things always happens when he, and his conceptually fit, problem-solving Ninja skills, aren’t here.

When he got back, I asked him to please help and this morning he showed me how the remote is now working very well.

What did he do? He changed the batteries, of course.

I had to laugh at myself.

Here I’ve been resetting the energiser, rebooting the gate motor, making my poor father-in-law open the gate by hand and I didn’t even think to check the batteries in the remote control!

This reminded me that we so often get stuck with solving the problems quickly that we don’t take the time to think deeper about the better solutions.

It’s a theme I’ve been picking up with some of my clients the last few weeks as well. We seem to be in crisis mode… solve the problem quickly deal with the rest later.

The trouble with that is that our solutions then become convoluted and complicated. It solves the problem in the short term but it’s not always a sustainable solution.

And then, when we look for the complicated solutions we forget about the basics.

This is what I learnt:

  1. Take a step back:

Pause and reflect instead of rushing to solve problems quickly. Think deeper and consider better solutions rather than settling for temporary fixes that might bite you at a later stage.

  1. Simple solutions:

Sometimes the most basic solutions can resolve complex issues. Checking the batteries in the remote control was the simple fix that solved the problem. Revisit the basics and ensuring all essential elements are in order before pursuing complex solutions.

  1. Avoiding complicated solutions:

Solving problems in crisis mode can lead to complicated and unsustainable solutions. By taking the time to think critically and explore deeper options, you can find more effective and long-lasting resolutions.

  1. Get help:

If you can’t solve the problem on your own, don’t get stuck on it, ask for help


Whatever problem or challenge you are having right now… have you checked the batteries?



Not sure which batteries you need to check, I’m here to help. Book your free Discovery session here
